3rd Grade Math Centers Year Long Bundle
Por um escritor misterioso
Last updated 11 março 2025

3rd Grade Math Centers Year Long Bundle-Includes 49 Math Center Games(Memory Match Vocabulary, Board Games, Cootie Catchers, Tic Tac Toe, Roll and Record, S
3rd Grade Math Centers Year Long Bundle-Includes 49 Math Center Games(Memory Match Vocabulary, Board Games, Cootie Catchers, Tic Tac Toe, Roll and Record, Shake and Solve, QR Codes)Games on:**Properties of Multiplication and Division Solving Problems with Unites 2-5 and 101. Memory Match Vocabulary- Properties of Multiplication & Division Solving Problems2. Board Game- Model the relationship between multiplication and division by solving each problem3. Cootie Catcher- Interpret the quotient as the number of groups or the number of objects in each group using units of two.4. Tic Tac Toe- Interpret the unknown in division using the array model5. Roll and Record- Solve two-step word problems involving multiplication and division, and assess the reasonableness of answers6. QR Codes- Solve two-step word problems involving all four operations7. Shake and Solve- Skip count in models to build fluency with multiplication facts using units of 4.**Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure1. Memory Match Vocabulary- Place Value & Problem Solving with Units of Measure2. Board Game- Explore time as a continuous measurement using a stopwatch3. Cootie Catcher- Solve mixed word problems involving all 4 operations with grams, kilograms, liters, and milliliters given in the same units4. Tic Tac Toe- Count by 5's and 1's to tell time to the nearest minute on the clock5. Roll and Record- Add measurements using the standard algorithm to compose larger units twice6. QR Codes- Estimate sums and differences of measurements by rounding, and then solve mixed word problems7. Shake and Solve- Develop estimation strategies by reasoning about the weight in kilograms**Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6-9, and Multiples of 101. Memory Match Vocabulary- Multiplication & Division with Units of 0, 1, 6-9, and Multiples of 102. Board Game- Identify and use arithmetic patterns to multiply3. Cootie Catcher- Study commutativity to find known facts of 6, 7, 8, and 94. Tic Tac Toe- Interpret the unknown in multiplication and division to model and solve problems using units of 6 and 75. Roll and Record- Interpret the unknown in multiplication and division to model and solve problems6. QR Codes- Solve two-step word problems involving multiplying single digit factors and multiples of 107. Shake and Solve- Multiply and divide with familiar facts using a letter to represent the unknown**Multiplication and Area1. Memory Match Vocabulary- Multiplication & Area2. Board Game- Find the area of a rectangle through multiplication of the side lengths3. Cootie Catcher- Interpret area models to form rectangular arrays4. Tic Tac Toe- Understand area as an attribute of plane figures5. Roll and Record- Model tiling with centimeter and inch unit squares as a strategy to measure area.6. QR Codes- Solve word problems involving area7. Shake and Solve- Apply knowledge of area to determine areas of rooms in a given floor plan**Fractions as Numbers on the Number Line1. Memory Match Vocabulary- Fractions as Numbers on the Number Line2. Board Game- Represent and identify fractional parts of different wholes3. Cootie Catcher- Represent parts of one whole as fractions with number bonds4. Tic Tac Toe- Identify shaded fractional parts in different ways depending on the designation of the whole5. Roll and Record- Express whole numbers as fractions and recognize equivalence with different units6. QR Codes- Compare fractions with the same numerator using greater than, less than, or equal and use a model to reason about their size7. Shake and Solve- Understand distance and position on the number line as strategies for comparing fractions**Collecting and Displaying Data1. Memory Match Vocabulary- Collecting & Displaying Data2. Board Game- Interpret measurement data from various line plots3. Cootie Catcher- Generate and organize data4. Tic Tac Toe- Represent measurement data with line plots5. Roll and Record- Analyze data to problem solve6. QR Codes- Create scaled bar graphs.7. Shake and Solve- Solve one and two-step problems involving graphs**Geometry and Measurement Word Problems1. Memory Match Vocabulary- Geometry & Measurement Word Problems2. Board Game- Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when whole number measurements are unknown.3. Cootie Catcher- Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the unknown4. Tic Tac Toe- Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares to determine their area5. Roll and Record- Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all four operations.6. QR Codes- Solve a variety of word problems with perimeter7. Shake and Solve- Compare and classify quadrilaterals.It would mean so much to me if you would leave feedback..even one or two words! Thanks so much!!! :)Follow me on Instagram- @enlighteningells
3rd Grade Math Centers Year Long Bundle-Includes 49 Math Center Games(Memory Match Vocabulary, Board Games, Cootie Catchers, Tic Tac Toe, Roll and Record, Shake and Solve, QR Codes)Games on:**Properties of Multiplication and Division Solving Problems with Unites 2-5 and 101. Memory Match Vocabulary- Properties of Multiplication & Division Solving Problems2. Board Game- Model the relationship between multiplication and division by solving each problem3. Cootie Catcher- Interpret the quotient as the number of groups or the number of objects in each group using units of two.4. Tic Tac Toe- Interpret the unknown in division using the array model5. Roll and Record- Solve two-step word problems involving multiplication and division, and assess the reasonableness of answers6. QR Codes- Solve two-step word problems involving all four operations7. Shake and Solve- Skip count in models to build fluency with multiplication facts using units of 4.**Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure1. Memory Match Vocabulary- Place Value & Problem Solving with Units of Measure2. Board Game- Explore time as a continuous measurement using a stopwatch3. Cootie Catcher- Solve mixed word problems involving all 4 operations with grams, kilograms, liters, and milliliters given in the same units4. Tic Tac Toe- Count by 5's and 1's to tell time to the nearest minute on the clock5. Roll and Record- Add measurements using the standard algorithm to compose larger units twice6. QR Codes- Estimate sums and differences of measurements by rounding, and then solve mixed word problems7. Shake and Solve- Develop estimation strategies by reasoning about the weight in kilograms**Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6-9, and Multiples of 101. Memory Match Vocabulary- Multiplication & Division with Units of 0, 1, 6-9, and Multiples of 102. Board Game- Identify and use arithmetic patterns to multiply3. Cootie Catcher- Study commutativity to find known facts of 6, 7, 8, and 94. Tic Tac Toe- Interpret the unknown in multiplication and division to model and solve problems using units of 6 and 75. Roll and Record- Interpret the unknown in multiplication and division to model and solve problems6. QR Codes- Solve two-step word problems involving multiplying single digit factors and multiples of 107. Shake and Solve- Multiply and divide with familiar facts using a letter to represent the unknown**Multiplication and Area1. Memory Match Vocabulary- Multiplication & Area2. Board Game- Find the area of a rectangle through multiplication of the side lengths3. Cootie Catcher- Interpret area models to form rectangular arrays4. Tic Tac Toe- Understand area as an attribute of plane figures5. Roll and Record- Model tiling with centimeter and inch unit squares as a strategy to measure area.6. QR Codes- Solve word problems involving area7. Shake and Solve- Apply knowledge of area to determine areas of rooms in a given floor plan**Fractions as Numbers on the Number Line1. Memory Match Vocabulary- Fractions as Numbers on the Number Line2. Board Game- Represent and identify fractional parts of different wholes3. Cootie Catcher- Represent parts of one whole as fractions with number bonds4. Tic Tac Toe- Identify shaded fractional parts in different ways depending on the designation of the whole5. Roll and Record- Express whole numbers as fractions and recognize equivalence with different units6. QR Codes- Compare fractions with the same numerator using greater than, less than, or equal and use a model to reason about their size7. Shake and Solve- Understand distance and position on the number line as strategies for comparing fractions**Collecting and Displaying Data1. Memory Match Vocabulary- Collecting & Displaying Data2. Board Game- Interpret measurement data from various line plots3. Cootie Catcher- Generate and organize data4. Tic Tac Toe- Represent measurement data with line plots5. Roll and Record- Analyze data to problem solve6. QR Codes- Create scaled bar graphs.7. Shake and Solve- Solve one and two-step problems involving graphs**Geometry and Measurement Word Problems1. Memory Match Vocabulary- Geometry & Measurement Word Problems2. Board Game- Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when whole number measurements are unknown.3. Cootie Catcher- Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the unknown4. Tic Tac Toe- Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares to determine their area5. Roll and Record- Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all four operations.6. QR Codes- Solve a variety of word problems with perimeter7. Shake and Solve- Compare and classify quadrilaterals.It would mean so much to me if you would leave feedback..even one or two words! Thanks so much!!! :)Follow me on Instagram- @enlighteningells
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