MaxVoll - ZxGames Files Custom V6.0 - Season6 - Creando Mu Online

Por um escritor misterioso
Last updated 19 setembro 2024
MaxVoll - ZxGames Files Custom V6.0 - Season6 - Creando Mu Online
Buenas estos files son continuación de mi post anterior files custom season 6, pero como perdí algunos archivos con los cuales podrían hacer update a todas las modificaciones, decidí postearlos aparte 8) :DNOTA: Leer el Changelog ya que en las imágenes no aparecen todas las funciones disponibles en el emulador.Imagenes Mas ImagenesSpoiler for Hiden: ChangelogCódigo- ALL FEATURES UP13[CHANGELOG UPDATE 1.0]- 5 PuglinName Liberados- Downgrade Ex700 - Legend- Custom Crossbows Index [4 25] to [4 70]- Marlon Teleport (2) Minutos- Dragon Invasión Effect SWITCH ACTIVE/DESACTIVE[CHANGELOG UPDATE 2.0]- Downgrade Interface S2/S3- Custom SelectChar S3- Post Item (SHELL)[CHANGELOG UPDATE 3.0]- Monitor FPS/MS [Ping]- Custom Gloves max 100- Custom Pets max 300[CHANGELOG UPDATE 4.0]- Fix PostItem + Interface Custom- Advanced status- Limit FPS [25,30,34]- View Monster,Npc,Party,Players in minimap- Change Items Guard, Elf Buff [Testing]- Custom Map Name,Respaw,Music,MiniMap[Testing][CHANGELOG UPDATE 5.0]- Fix CustomMonster TripleKIll [UP13 LOUIS]- Limit FPS Increment to [25,30,34,40]- Effect Wings LEVEL 4- Mix Wings level 4[CHANGELOG UPDATE 6.0]- Fix CustomBow Rechange Arrows- Fix CustomClaws Position- Fix CustomPet Position- Add Position in CustomBow- Add CustomEfectRemake[CHANGELOG UPDATE 6.1]- Add Stadis Character v[s2/s3].- Opcion para desactivar funtions s6 para downgrade.[CHANGELOG UPDATE 7.0]- agregado interface 99 sin SD.- agregado soporte hasta 96 mapas index[0 - 95].- respawnlocation para mapas custom.- Fix Error no visualizaba coordenadas en interfaces downgrade.- se agrega soporte de mapas custom hasta 100- Se agrega Soporte para Música de mapas custom- Se agrega soporte para Nombres de Mpas Personalizados- Se agrega Soporte de Efectos y Animación para mapas personalizados.- ANTIDUPE FIX[CHANGELOG UPDATE 8.0]- Custom Cloak 100%- Custom Close Store- Soporte Max. 100 custom acc- Move + Nixie Spirit evento boss- ItemValue.txt lado cliente para wings index mayor a 260- Fix MasterSkill Interface ex700 poderes en blanco- Fix Skill DL, RF, MG interface ex700- Fix Barra Upgrade Ex700 Barra negra en ventanas- Fix Credits en select char.- Fix Score Duel con interface ex700[CHANGELOG UPDATE 9.0]- Fix Custom Pet + healt buff- Cambia formato de FPS + ARP- CustomInfoItemEx- Fix Visual Limite en defensa y ataque- CustomACC max 100- MasterSkill S15 (Testing)[CHANGELOG UPDATE 9.1]- Fix Kriss Index 0 AUTOCLOSE CLIENTE- Fix CustomBow y CrossBow- Fix Skill UPPERCOUT disconect- Fix CustomACC.- Fix Custom Gloves IndexL & IndexR.- Expands CustomMonster Index.- Agregado de Monster respecto al Mapa Custom.- Remove CustomEffectPet.- Fix CustomCloak + Kriss.- Corrección de Item_eng.bmd con Item.txt.- Se Agrega Custom Scroll desde servidor.- Se Agrega CustomNPCTALCK desde Servidor.- Fix CustomPet Refresh + Kriss- Se agrega Switch para quitar barra de hora [F4]- Se agrega Switch para quitar minimap [F5]- Select Char S13- Se agrega Inventario UPGRADE- Animación en SelectChar- Fix en ICONO RANKUSER- Se Fixea Summon Scroll 100%[CHANGELOG UPDATE 10.0]- Fix Agi Bug BK,MG,SM, ELF.- MasterSkillTreeS15 Terminado- add PK LIMIT- CustomMix- CustomMonsterSkill- Sistema AntiFlood Para Ataques pequeños- PKFree en mapa por coordenada, Mapa NOPK + ZONA PK FREE- Sistema de Advanced Complete 100%- Sistema de SetAcc Custom 100%- Nuevo Sistema de Comando /Readd- Fix Interface ex700 Skill DL- FIx Interface s2/99 Skill DL- Fix Skill Dl Barra negra- Fix DisableMuHelpert- Fix Dragones en interfaces Downgrade- Fix Barra SD y AG Downgrade- Fix Textura Interface Downgrade- Fix Visual Barra de exp Downgrade- Fix Botones de CustomStore- Se retira Dragones Dorados en Select Char- marlon nuevo sistema de teleport[CHANGELOG UPDATE 11.0]- CustomMonster Glow- CustomMonster Golden- Clic right Equipt- Fixs kill Raven- Fix Skillboxnumberinterface ex700- Fix SkillBox Position InterfaceS3/99- Custom EffectModel- Fix Barra interface ex700,legends mapa tarkan y lacleon- Custom Chat ex700- NuevaInterface CustomWindows ranking- NuevaInterface CustomWindows timeevent- NuevaInterface CustomWindows BuyVip- NuevaInterface CustomWindows Command- NuevaInterface CustomWindows Menu- Nueva HPBar + Nombre en Monster- customGlow Funcional con NPC- Fix Button CustomStore Close[CHANGELOG UPDATE 12.0]- CustomBook Add limit 6 [index 24 to 29]- Fix auto move from Icarus if dinorant/fenrir died- Fix Size effect in ModelEFFECT- Fix HealBar in Players- Fix TotalCreate MuError- Fix CustomRankUser Level + MasterLevel- Max Invasion Manager 30- MuHelper + Inventory- Fix Clic Right 2 scepter DL- Fix Clic Right Items RageFighter- CustomPetEffectDinamic- CustomPetEffectStatic- Fix Windows veryfic Shop- New Advanced Status- Fix Skill Penetration bug visual- Fix Skill UpperCut Disconect[UPDATE 13.0]- CHAT DOWNGRADE S1- HP Bar Pet DOWNGRADE- MINIMAP DOWNGRADE S1- add time bar in minimap- INVENTORY SLOT DOWNGRADE S1- CHAT S13 UPGRADE- MUHELPER S15- HP PARTY FIX IN INTERFACE EX700- REPAIR ANIMATION FIX IN INTERFACE EX700- add Switch MonsterBarName [F7]- add separate chat [F6]- Fix Ring Started level 40 and 80- Include camera F10 active- Switch Restore Camera3D F11- Switch IconTrayMode [MINIMIZE] F12- PositionClaws 100%- Position Custom Cape in Game 100%- Fix CustomPetEffect Dinamic, Static, SkillEffect- Fix CustomPet in SelectServer- CustomPet Montura Horse- CustomPet Montura Fenrir- Remove SD Gameserver- DelectChar max level- Fix Client AutoClosed- Restring Party For Level- Fix Click right remove wings in map icarus- Fix Click right remove dinoran in map icarus- Fix Click right Equip uniria in map Atlans- Fix Click right Equip dinoran in map Atlans//=========================================================== [ZXGAMES UPDATES][ZXGAMES UPDATE 1.0]- The DefaultClassInfo system was modified- add Button Camera 3D- add Party Search- add tootltip s15- add effect angelito petmuun- add view party in minimap- add buff party- add bar time buff- add Bot Trader- add gift for new user in DefaultClassInfo- change system for bot buffer- add item imagen in postitem- add sky in 3D camera- add req item in npc move- add Jewels Bank- add duel with bet- add system multiware npc.[ZXGAMES UPDATE 1.5]- add Fix limited zen in trade.- add disable cashshop X Downgrade- add disable menu Key U- add lucky item trade- add disable list map M- add disable Key D- add disable Key S- add disable Key T- add disable Key F- add disable helper Key Z- add disable helper Key Home- add disable Expanded inventory- add disable click effect- add disable background menu Esc- add disable Battlezone list map- add disable button credist and menu select server.[ZXGAMES UPDATE 2.0]- Fix pet mount- add effects monters- add helper+offattack- add MakeSelectCharacter- add party hpbar+mpbar- add ruud shop- add new ruud coin- add system antilag- add contrl custom panel in server- MasterSkill s10 fix point- MasterSkill Render Img skill fix- Interface Ex700 and legend Wide Screem for resolution 1366 * 766- New Chat Ex700- add windows stile s10- add New System Panel Option- add Button Press O Open Panel Option- antilag [Effect Dinamic]- antilag [Effect Static]- antilag [Effect Skill]- Antilag [Map Object]- new desing custom panel- add itemtoolstip- new struct custom rank user- add musign vip + effect[ZXGAMES UPDATE 2.1]- add support socket + joh- fix post item disconnect- add view aswered Quiz- add Change reset panel- add Change Class Panel- optimize CustomRankuser[ZXGAMES UPDATE 2.2]- add pet hpbar s15- add luckywheel panel- fix dup cashshop + chaos- fix dup zen store- Disable Blocked Mouse in tap map- fix damage in 3D[ZXGAMES UPDATE 2.3]- add select language in server message- change support effect dinamyc to 5000- change support effect static to 5000- add pet glow- MuOffhelper PickUp ItemList- Fix BP in attack Helper- Fix AutoBuff and Healing elf in helper[ZXGAMES UPDATE 3.0]- add reset renward- add full ruud shop + tooltip options- add monster kill count + renward- fix button start luckywheel- add render skill darkhorse[ZXGAMES UPDATE 3.1] FIX- fix monster glow- fix monster gold- fix close client with effect static- add interface create character S13[ZXGAMES UPDATE 3.2]- fix buff skill in event- fix Combo push- fix open time bar in 99/s2/s3/s6- Add Monster Kill Coins + Ruud Money- New system antiflood[ZXGAMES UPDATE 3.3]- Add search store- Add Achivement- Fix Party bar open C and other panel- Fix SetCursorFocus right open C panel- add option disable interfaz create character s13- Fix dup jewelsbank[ZXGAMES UPDATE 4.0]- Add ruud windows move- Add disable button ExVault- Add disable All shadow in panel option- Add disable monster shadow in panel option- Shadow was improved in equipped items- Add option change time Self Defense- Add option change time Item Drop Pick Up- Add support to daredevil + camera move in world 5- option to add swim effect on maps- Add System Levelplus character lvl 1000- Add mini map radar- Add option change minimap classic and radar in main_info- Fix viewport guild aliance- Add option change panel character(C) in interface Ex700- Add new model ranking user orde for reset and level- Delete ranking version louis- Add lite antihack in main.dll- monster support up to 10000[ZXGAMES UPDATE 4.1]- fix pvp miss- remove sd option in advanced 97d- remove jewels in jewelsbank 97d- fix level plus show in panel character[ZXGAMES UPDATE 4.2]- fix inv.
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